Losing steam? Avoid these energy zappers

Seemingly harmless lifestyle habits may really be robbing you of your get-up-and-go. Let’s face it: we all get more fatigued as we get older. As part of the aging process, we lose mitochondria (energy-producing engines in the cells) and we produce less adenosine triphosphate (ATP) — the molecule that delivers energy to cells throughout our […]

Blood pressure checks: Both sides now?

Left and right arm readings don’t always match. A difference in the blood pressure readings from the left and right arms may herald a higher risk of heart disease, according to an analysis of 24 international studies. The report, published in the February 2021 issue of Hypertension, included data from more than 57,000 adults in general […]

Blood pressure and your brain ​

How high blood pressure impacts cognitive health Hypertension is a circulatory disease. All parts of the body depend on the circulation, and many organs suffer from the impact of untreated hypertension. One of the organs at greatest risk is the brain. What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is the vital force that propels oxygen-rich blood […]